The thin skin of time is opaque Most don’t see through it Most of the time Uncertainty’s dread – knowing not what we’ll be doing Or becoming We retreat into the frail Home of Hope With its scratched, plastic windows And dusty curtains of avoidance We can avoid peering at the unseeable spectre of our lives We need to see but can’t In the sacred place of Blame on Others Addicted to hocaine, the drug of victimhood We scrunch that sacred skin up As if to shorten it; avoid it altogether
Then there comes a moment of Truth When we forget to fear Forget to judge And through the visionless dark There’s a flash, a spark The skin pulled tight then twangs back But we’ve seen and can’t unsee Can’t forget This light might be a movie, book or saying A friend, pet or comrade However it comes, it soothes our soul We know now there is a future No longer is bleak and barren our course But one of light, lucidity and … yes, smiles Then we move to the stronger House of Trust Trust in ourselves, trust in our ego The curtains now gone and windows of glass Plans are made – goals, targets and aspirations The chimera of control arises And we’re happy to stretch the Skin of Time Pretend we see clearly through thinner flesh And mark it with arrows, timelines and visions
We are awakened, enlivened and wish to tell the world The world that’s ours to carve and command There comes this moment then, that we all dread Because, suddenly, nothing at all happens These plans, you see, they fall to dust No longer are we the master of our universe The mourning may be a moan, a minute or a millennium It lasts as long as we choose And then the brighter light dawns The one that doesn’t fade, isn’t afraid One star, two star, three star, many On this Day of Delight we step outside Bounded by nothing that protects Defencelessness is indeed our strength Naked, frail and open We drop those arduous plans, so painfully wrought And give our plans to the light through the enclosing skin More lights join and beckon us forward So clothed in light, we need no other Carried on beams we can relax and sigh Giving up control, knowing it was never there It dawns on us in the festive company of stars That Life is bigger and wiser than us More safe and expansive than our puny machinations We give up, give in, to the gentle arms of Source Unadorned by baubles, bangles and beads And other proof of our frail success The Skin of Life now enfolds us We become it; it becomes us Its wrinkles, rips and warps are our roots Which Rise through us to our Wings of Wonder As gratitude infuses our every cell Our every moment Standing on the cliff edge of every new dawn We ask, “Who am I to be today?” Our wings unfurl and the planless day unfurls beneath us As gorgeous grace guides our every wing-beat So, naked and clothed only in life’s skin We have no need to see ahead But as we do, the irony of life is not lost As our heart and others relax in unison Into the Grand Order of Divinity See more poems in Glass Soul, published as both a paperback and an ebook.