I am the first raindrop that falls
That splashes your nose and surprises
And you wipe me away
Your cleansing, my message, is lost
As you flick away my caresses
I am the first ray that shines
Sneaking between your curtains
And you blink me away
Your light, my message, is lost
As you turn and sleep another minute
I am the chair leg you kicked
It stubs your toe and makes you yell
And you rub me away
Your strength, my message, is lost
As you gossip and whinge on your pain
I am the drunk driver who slams
Your driver’s door and your knee is broke
And you curse me away
Your presence, my message, is lost
While you prosecute and proclaim it’s all unfair
I am the doctor report, diagnosis so dire
Just six months and you might be dead
And you deny me away
Your life, my message, is lost
While you radiate, medicate and return to hate
What will it take to still your fury?
To distract you from distractions?
To turn your mind to peace?
To hear my message, my friend
Before battering, arguing and ignoring me away?
I am the first thought and cry in your ear
The out that’s directing you in
To in-tuition, in-sight and in-telligence
I offer you your grace, strength and goodness
How can I open your eyes to your truly glorious soul?
Really, what will it take, my friend?